Sunday, October 3, 2010

31 Weeks

ok ok, I know I have been horrible about blogging. We have just been so busy. As soon as I get home from work I am just so tired I don' t feel like doing anything. I am 31 weeks. Only 9 more to go. I am on the count down. We head back to the doctor on tuesday and just a regular check up and then I will start going every two weeks. I have a 4D ultrasound scheduled for Oct. 18th and I can not wait. I can't wait to see his little face. I do beleive he is going to be just like BJ due to all the hiccups he gets at different times in the day. Bj's mom told me Bj got the hiccups all the time as well. Well so far I have gained 19lbs and I feel huge. Man it is a big difference to carry almost 20 lbs around. The only complaint I have is that I can not breath out of my nose and it is driving me crazy. My pregancy book says the inside of your nose tends to swell up and makes it hard to breath out of it. I am not a mouth breather either. lol

Hunting season as offically started and I will be a deer widow till Noah gets here on the weekends. I did tell bj he will have to cut his hunting weekends to his parents house to be closer by middle of November. I told him I didn't want him to be a hour away incase I go into labor early.

Noah is getting to know Bj voice now cause everytime Bj talks to him Noah moves. My mom got to feel him move for the first time the other day. He would never move for her when she would put her hand on my belly.

We pretty much have Noah's room ready for him. I still want to put something up on his wall about God but I haven't thought of a perfect bible verse yet. Baby showers will start this weekend and I am so excited about that.

Here is a picture of me at 31 Weeks.