Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catching up

ok I know I have went missing. Well lets see where I left off and how much has went by.

Well we have welcomed our lil man into the world on December 7th 2010 and 4:48 pm. Weighing 7lbs and 12 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. I was induced labor on the 7th at 8:00 am and had him at 4:48 pm. Labor was hetic and ended with a great prayer for a healthy baby and mommy. Due to I had two placenta's Noah heart rate went down with every contraction to 50 and I had to be put on oxygen for Noah. Once his heart rate went down so low they had to get him out fast. They had to woke me up to push and would have been 40 mintues of pushing turned into 10 mintues to get him out. They had to use the forcepts to get him out and needless to say Bj went white at that point. Thank goodness my mother and mother in law was in the room to help bj out. Once they got Noah out he was not crying. But after all he was a healthy boy. We got to come home two days later and he has been a great baby. He sleeps through the night since we brought him home. He never learned to breast feed so I just pumped and gave it to him in a bottle for the first three weeks. After that I was not producing enough for him so we switched to formula. He does great on that.

I went back to work when he was 6 weeks old. I thought that was going to be hard but I was ready to go back. I could not be a stay at home mom. I was really bored. Noah is staying with bj's nana and papa til beginning of april. They are enjoying him so much and he loves it as well.

Noah is growing everyday. We went for his 2 month checkup on the 17th and he weighs 12 lbs and 2oz. and is 24 1/2 inches long. He had two ear infections and we had no clue. So it will be hard to tell if he is hurting or not cause he doesn't cry. We have to take him to children's hospital to get an ultrasound of his hips because when the dr was checking his hips he kept feeling a popping and he wants to make sure they are not popping out of place. I pray that everything is just fine. Please keep Noah in yall's prayers for tuesday. He got his shots as well and he did great. He got through the second shot then started crying. He didn't cry for long though. Poor guy has been running a fever since then cause of the ear infections. But he is still all smiles still.

He is wearing a size 1 dipers, 0-3 month pants and 0-3 tops. He got his first haircut a week ago. Well we did it ourself. We just trimmed his side burns and took alittle off the top. His hair is so crazy we can not lay it down no matter what we do.

He sure does loves his daddy and his grandpa's. Mommy or grandma's can be talking to him and he will be smiling but when a grandpa or daddy start talking to him he laughs at loud. But he really is a momma's boy. lol

Me and bj are doing great. We are just trying to get into a routine of going back to work and taking care of noah. No one could prepare you for taking care of a baby. Don't get me wrong I love every second of it. Noah is a great baby too so I could not complain. He could be sitting on the couch all by him self for hours and he will be fine sitting there. The only time he really cries is when he is hungry, wet or really really tired.

Bj got another promotion at work. He is not moving to inside sales. He is alittle nervous but he will do great at it. He starts that on March 1st. It will be great cause now we can take turnes taking noah to his nana and papa's. On april 4th is when noah starts daycare. Now that day will be a hard day for me cause I don't know the people keeping him. I might cry my whole way to work that day.

Here are some pictures of Noah as he grows.
This is mostly how noah's hair stays.

Noah loves his dog scout.Noah's two month old picture.

This is Noah's cousin Zander. They are going to be best buds. They are 5 weeks apart.